Friday, December 20, 2013

Post-Questionnaire Graphs

Behind Closed Doors - Post Questionnaire Graphs & Analysis by mags249

Camera Person's Journal

Sound Journal - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Sound Journal

Final Production on Facebook & Twitter - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Our final production 'Behind Closed Doors' uploaded on Facebook.
Our final production 'Behind Closed Doors' tweeted on Twitter.

Both Facebook and Twitter allow us to upload our final production which means that people can view it and it is a form of viral marketing, if we upload it to these websites it is ultimately free which means that it won’t cost us anything to do ensuring that we gain recognition for free. This form of viral market gives us an edge, with the invention of web 2.0 in 2001 it makes it easier for smaller industries like us (DMS Entertainment) to distribute our product to a wider audience, this opens up the door for us to be spotted by other larger companies which could team up with us for another production in the future, this is a win, win situation which doesn't have many flaws and has many pros.


References - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Editors Journal - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Weekly Update: 11th December - 18th December

This week we have finished the film. The film was completed on Tuesday and given in and I can say we as a team are now very relieved. The film has not been uploaded yet as it is to feature in our school's first film festival tomorrow lunchtime after which we will upload the film.

This week we have been also completing all work that needs to be completed in Post-Production and evaluation. It has been a very busy week but we have pulled through as a team.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Post- Production Questionnaire

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Behind Closed Doors - Shot List

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Weekly Update: 4th December - 11th December

As stated in the last weekly update we were meant to film over the weekend. All equipment was booked and we as a team were ready to film but yet again we had hit a brick wall as our actor was again unable to film. We then changed plans to film on Monday but our actor was unable to come as they had broken down on the motorway. We did wait for them but they were still on the motorway at 10pm so we then again rescheduled to today, Wednesday 4th December. Hopefully all goes well and we are able to film everything smoothly and well enough to get really decent footage. We plant to hand in a final draft on Friday morning giving Daniel time to edit for the rest of the day so that he finishes enough and continues on Monday to give in the final copy on Tuesday.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Weekly Update: November 27 - December 4th

This week we have filmed the whole of Lucy's individual sequences. We did plan to also film the father's parts but unfortunately circumstances did not allow, as the actor was unavailable on the days we could film apart from Sunday but then the girl playing Lucy was not available on Sunday. On the other hand, the filming of Lucy's scenes went very well. As a team we all had some input as to how we were to re-film the scenes to achieve better shots and a range of shots as Daniel came to it with editors viewpoint, Sunraj a directors viewpoint as the whole film is his vision and I with the viewpoint of a camera person. We have now completed all of Lucy's individual scenes and would not have to re-film any of it. Daniel has been putting the new footage together after logging and capturing everything and he says it is going well.

Therefore this coming up weekend we plan to finish filming our whole film by shooting the father's scenes.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Weekly Update: 20th November - 27th November

This week we were concentrating on our ancillary tasks as the deadline for our posters and reviews was due on Monday 25/11/2013. Daniel finished off the first draft of our film and feedback to Sunraj and I. We now as team plan to film today, tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. This time when we film we would have Daniel's input which would be helpful as he is the editor and would have a great insight as to how the overall product would turn out with the range of shots and angles we capture. Hopefully all goes well throughout the rest of the week.

This week we've also begun on our individual evaluations and post-production task.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Weekly Update: 13th November - 20th November

This week we've been concentrating on our individual which is our ancillary task, as Sunraj and I are waiting on Daniel to start editing the footage we filmed last week, so that we can have feedback on what needs to be filmed again.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Weekly Update: 6th November - 13th November

From Friday 9th November - Sunday 11th November we were film at the house that was to be used as the home for the father and his daughter. Things didn't start off well on Friday as the actress was delayed, we therefore had to cancel filming and begin on Saturday as it had gotten to dark to film.
On Saturday we began filming at 9:30 am and finished around 6 pm. Filming was a long process but luckily most things fell into place, we didn't have any problems with the camera's battery and the actors were all on time. On the other hand, as the camera person I faced some difficulty as the Tri-pod we had to use was a bit faulty due to previous damage. The faultiness of the Tri-pod meant that I had to be very careful when we were filming making sure the camera was straight. The scenes we filmed on Saturday were the character's arriving home and the main scene. On Sunday we filmed from 2 pm - 4 pm and were able to finish filming all scenes. Then on Monday, we logged and captured the footage and after Daniel begun to edit it.

Also during this week we have been working on finishing our ancillary task. Therefore we are all working individually most of the time whilst in class.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Weekly Update: 30th October - 6th November

Unfortunately, as things happen we were unable to film during the half term due to further complications of actresses to play the role of Lucy the daughter. However, we have finally found someone whom is defiantly able to film on our chosen days and we did start filming on Monday. It was a good first take of the scene where Lucy is in the room by herself but as I stated in the location notes we had to film the scene again due to the lighting of the room. We've kept both sets of footage and Daniel has begun on looking at the footage to let us know what we may need to film again. At the end of this week we plan to have finished filming all of the film. This is to take place over the weekend.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Signed Location & Actor Release Forms

This is evidence that we have gotten permission to use our location and talents within the film.

Cast Notes

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Weekly Update: 23rd October - 30th October

As this week was half term we as a team have planned to begin filming out house scene. We're still on the search for a female actress to play the daughter so hopefully we'll have found one by today ready to film for Friday. We have also decided to start taking pictures for our posters during Friday's shoot.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday 16th October - Wednesday 23rd October

This week we've re-filmed the classroom scene.On a whole, filming went well and we did give ourselves a lot of time to think things through in order to come up with creative shot ideas as well as the actual framing and composition of the scene. After filming we did then log and capture the footage and Daniel has started working on it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday 9th October - Wednesday 16th October

This week we've just been working upon our ancillary task whilst we wait to film next week.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Weekly Update: 2nd - 9th October

This was a very productive week as we filmed our classroom scene of the father. It was a much simpler scene to shoot as we were using actors. Michael, whom is playing the father, was really easy to work with which made the process run smoothly. Although we did plan to film a lot more than we actually did, we were able to have a walk through of what we are going to film within the classroom so next time we film the rest of the classroom scene we could finish it quickly and move on to the next scene. Another note is that we had to move our filming date from Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th October due to illness.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Weekly Update: 25th September - 2nd October

Today we started filming our opening scene. It wasn't as easy as we'd though it would be as we were filming in a very uncontrolled environment. From filming today we have decided that it would be a good idea to re-film this scene later on after a longer and more in depth discussion as to how we are to capture a busy end of school scene without people reacting and responding to the presence of a camera. Although it wasn't a great start we were able to film other scenes that are to used within our montage opening sequence.
Once finishing filming we logged and captured our raw footage and then Daniel started on the editing.

Preparing For A Film Shoot - Sunraj Bolina

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Prop Notes

Costume Notes - Sunraj Bolina

Shooting Script - Sunraj Bolina

Shooting Script

SWOT Analysis - Sunraj Bolina

Weekly Update: 11th September - 18th September

This week we've just been improving on already completed work by adding missing information and modifying them. The reason for this is because we have now come to the part of our production when we are waiting till our filming dates. As a group we've discussed when we plan to start filming; so far the dates stand at these:
  • Wednesday 2nd October 2013
  • Monday 7th October 2013
There will be more filming days added to the two already confirmed as we would need them to perfect our film. As we are filming in October it was suggested that we can extend the deadline dates of some pieces of work and to look for other pre-production ideas that we could incorporate into our schedule so as a team we are to look what else we can do that is relevant to our project.

Pre-Questionnaire Graphs

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Weekly Update: Wednesday 10th July - Thursday 18th July

Since last week we've only been finishing up the few thing left of the "Planning & Research" section of our production. This week the work that was due were:
  • Score Notes
  • Storyboard
  • Equipment List
  • Budget
As I said the "Score Notes" were to be completed by Daniel by for the 10th and he'd done that  however we decided that as our film is an ongoing production right now we will be adding more sounds and music along the filming and editing process. Therefore these score notes are not the last of them but are the basis. Daniel also completed the storyboard so then we as a group went through them and discussed a few tweaks that needed to be added which he in now in the process of doing.

Finally, Daniel has written up the "Equipment List" of what we have and are to be using for this whole production process and as usual before he wrote it up we had discussed it before hand. Furthermore, I  have also written up our budget list. This will hopefully help us with thinking through the decision of adding (if necessary,) a new idea, as we would be able to review the cost implications.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Location Release Form

This is the form we shall be using when securing a filming location, stating that we have been allowed to film at the location, as well as enabling us to bring and use the equipment needed for filming on the location. By using the form we are providing physical evidence that we are able to film at our chosen location and it legally binds the owner of the location into a contract with us. Therefore, if any problems from the owner of the location arises once we finished filming, such as the owner no longer wants us to use the footage containing their home, we can then use this document to show that they had given us full consent within the contract to use footage with their property even if they would in the later stages want to pull out. This is a legally binding document and if broken and needs to be, it can allow us to take the owner to court.
Location Release Form

Score Notes - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Obtained from: Internet/SoundCloud - I decided to go with this song, as it helps bring emotion towards the characters in the film and the lyrics in the song really relate to the ongoing drama which has unfolded within the film, 'No one can save us' and lyric which is repeated over and over again within the song goes well in relation to Lucy, who after being raped, nobody was there to help her or save her from the pain, physically and mentally which she will receive.

Obtained from: Internet/SoundCloud - This song by Jim James is a very powerful piece of non-diegetic, it helps to really set the scene within the film as it will address the context of the detention scene very well and create a verisimilitude for the audience and create a sense of boredom for both Ramon and Mr Wicks. It also helps the audience feel for the young man 'Ramon'. Obtained from: Internet/SoundCloud - This song will be used in our walking scene, at first you could argue that it doesn't really go with the shot or the genre of the film, however it is easy to connote that the shot does go with the scene as it foreshadows an event which might happen, the sharp instruments with the high bass sounds create a real sense of awareness and make the audience really think, What is going to happen next? drawing them into the film from the start.

Weekly Update: Wednesday 3rd July - Wednesday 10th July

This week has been a light week in terms of workload. Assignments that needed to be completed were:
  •    Score Notes
  •    Location Release Form
Also this week, Daniel begun sorting out score notes for the sounds and music we will be using for our film and should have a basis by the end of today which we are to discuss.

Lastly, I also made the "Location Release Forms" so that if any damage or mishaps were to happen within our time filming at the location we would not be held accountable and so that we have a physical written copy between us and the owner of our location so that they can not choose to not want their location to be used any longer. This form is ready for when we do find a location.

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Health and Safety - Risk Assessment (Sunraj Bolina)

Location: Back Up


Media Coursework - Location 1, a set on Flickr.

These images are of our back up location. It's a great setting but we're looking for something easier to travel to after school. The house is small and it looks as if it would be lived in by an intellectual person as there are books everywhere. This upholds the image that we hope to portray of the father/ teacher Mr Wicks. 

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

DMS Productions - Pre Questionnaire

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Wednesday 26th June - Wednesday 3rd July

This week we've just been continuing on the work that is to be completed. Along with discussing our idea further and thinking of new ideas that we could incorporate into film, we have also been thinking of new interfaces that we could use to make our blog more interactive.

Analysis of Credit Sequence

Friday, June 28, 2013

Actor Release Form

This is the template for our "Actor Release" forms. The form is a legally binding contract between the talent and our company that states that we are able to use any gained footage of the talent we have within our film whether they like it or not. This document is basically an aid to cover our backs from any lawsuits and putting us in the all clear.

Film Casting - Sunraj Bolina

Meeting Minutes 7 (Sunraj Bolina)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Representation - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Treatment - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster


Weekly Update: Wednesday 19th June - Wednesday 26th June 2013

From the week starting 19th June 2013 till today, Wednesday 26th June 2013 as a group we have caried out our individual assignments stated below:

  • Treatment
  • Planning Brief
  • Audience Socio-Economic Research
  • BBFC write up
  • Synopisis 
  • Narrative Theory Research, and
  • Representations; to which we are to incorporate within our film
We have also been discussing the practicals of our film such as location and actors. We have realised that due to the nature of our film's narrative that it may be hard to find actors that fit the roles and feel comfortable to carry them out. However we are sure we will find our actors soon as well as our location. For our location we have a decided that'll we'll like a house for the house scene so we are now on the hunt for a house.

Uses and Gratification Theory - Sunraj Bolina

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Weekly Update: Wednesday 12th June - Wednesday 19th June

This week was our first week as a team/group. We were briefed about what our assignment was and that we had a choice between making a "5 Minute Short Film" or a "Documentary". As a group we all decided that we wanted to take the opportunity to create a 5 minute short. Once we were made our decision we started straight away and set ourselves 3 goals to complete by Friday 14th 2013, these goals were to:

  • Firstly; produce a "Brainstorm": that included ideas for our group's name, our films basis and set up (e.g locations, influence of idea), target audience and crew roles.
  • Secondly; creating a "Production Schedule", that enlisted all  task that we are to complete and who shall complete them, when by and roughly how long it should take them to do it.
  • And also thirdly, to set up our individual blogs and a group blog.
Gladly, we completed these goals by the set date allowing us to be able to start on the rest of our paperwork that we have all been allocated through the "Production Schedule". 

Moving along, during this week we have also been doing some research into our production and looking for ideas that could give us some inspiration towards our idea. Looking at film shorts on  You-Tube and scouring for more shorts through the web, really enlightened us about what we could achieve through our 5 minute short. However, after researching we had developed around 7 short ideas, which caused us to be indecisive with which idea we were actually going to go through with and produce, explaining our 4 brainstorms as we were able to cut the ideas down to 4.

We presented our top 3 to our fellow peers and teacher to gather their opinions on which idea we should go ahead and create. This was very helpful as we finally decided on an idea which is being written up in a script by Sunraj  for Friday 21st June. Today we plan to meet to discuss and go through the script as a team seeing what we may add and things we may change, this will although will still be towards the first draft as we plan to present it to our teacher in search of some constructive criticism in which would help us improve our script and idea in preparation for making our 2nd draft.

Furthermore, we had another task to complete which was set by our teacher which was the group task as shown on the blog.

Meeting Minutes 5 (Sunraj Bolina)

Genre Research - Drama (Sunraj Bolina)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Assignment Breif

A short film in its entirety, lasting approximately five minutes, which may be live action or animated or a combination of both, together with two of the following three options:
·      A poster
·      A radio trailer for film;
·      A film magazine review page featuring the film

Meeting Minutes 1 (Sunraj Bolina)