Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Score Notes - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Obtained from: Internet/SoundCloud - I decided to go with this song, as it helps bring emotion towards the characters in the film and the lyrics in the song really relate to the ongoing drama which has unfolded within the film, 'No one can save us' and lyric which is repeated over and over again within the song goes well in relation to Lucy, who after being raped, nobody was there to help her or save her from the pain, physically and mentally which she will receive.

Obtained from: Internet/SoundCloud - This song by Jim James is a very powerful piece of non-diegetic, it helps to really set the scene within the film as it will address the context of the detention scene very well and create a verisimilitude for the audience and create a sense of boredom for both Ramon and Mr Wicks. It also helps the audience feel for the young man 'Ramon'. Obtained from: Internet/SoundCloud - This song will be used in our walking scene, at first you could argue that it doesn't really go with the shot or the genre of the film, however it is easy to connote that the shot does go with the scene as it foreshadows an event which might happen, the sharp instruments with the high bass sounds create a real sense of awareness and make the audience really think, What is going to happen next? drawing them into the film from the start.