Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Weekly Update: Wednesday 19th June - Wednesday 26th June 2013

From the week starting 19th June 2013 till today, Wednesday 26th June 2013 as a group we have caried out our individual assignments stated below:

  • Treatment
  • Planning Brief
  • Audience Socio-Economic Research
  • BBFC write up
  • Synopisis 
  • Narrative Theory Research, and
  • Representations; to which we are to incorporate within our film
We have also been discussing the practicals of our film such as location and actors. We have realised that due to the nature of our film's narrative that it may be hard to find actors that fit the roles and feel comfortable to carry them out. However we are sure we will find our actors soon as well as our location. For our location we have a decided that'll we'll like a house for the house scene so we are now on the hunt for a house.