Friday, December 20, 2013

Final Production on Facebook & Twitter - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Our final production 'Behind Closed Doors' uploaded on Facebook.
Our final production 'Behind Closed Doors' tweeted on Twitter.

Both Facebook and Twitter allow us to upload our final production which means that people can view it and it is a form of viral marketing, if we upload it to these websites it is ultimately free which means that it won’t cost us anything to do ensuring that we gain recognition for free. This form of viral market gives us an edge, with the invention of web 2.0 in 2001 it makes it easier for smaller industries like us (DMS Entertainment) to distribute our product to a wider audience, this opens up the door for us to be spotted by other larger companies which could team up with us for another production in the future, this is a win, win situation which doesn't have many flaws and has many pros.