Friday, December 20, 2013

Post-Questionnaire Graphs

Behind Closed Doors - Post Questionnaire Graphs & Analysis by mags249

Camera Person's Journal

Sound Journal - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Sound Journal

Final Production on Facebook & Twitter - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Our final production 'Behind Closed Doors' uploaded on Facebook.
Our final production 'Behind Closed Doors' tweeted on Twitter.

Both Facebook and Twitter allow us to upload our final production which means that people can view it and it is a form of viral marketing, if we upload it to these websites it is ultimately free which means that it won’t cost us anything to do ensuring that we gain recognition for free. This form of viral market gives us an edge, with the invention of web 2.0 in 2001 it makes it easier for smaller industries like us (DMS Entertainment) to distribute our product to a wider audience, this opens up the door for us to be spotted by other larger companies which could team up with us for another production in the future, this is a win, win situation which doesn't have many flaws and has many pros.


References - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Editors Journal - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Weekly Update: 11th December - 18th December

This week we have finished the film. The film was completed on Tuesday and given in and I can say we as a team are now very relieved. The film has not been uploaded yet as it is to feature in our school's first film festival tomorrow lunchtime after which we will upload the film.

This week we have been also completing all work that needs to be completed in Post-Production and evaluation. It has been a very busy week but we have pulled through as a team.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Post- Production Questionnaire

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Behind Closed Doors - Shot List

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Weekly Update: 4th December - 11th December

As stated in the last weekly update we were meant to film over the weekend. All equipment was booked and we as a team were ready to film but yet again we had hit a brick wall as our actor was again unable to film. We then changed plans to film on Monday but our actor was unable to come as they had broken down on the motorway. We did wait for them but they were still on the motorway at 10pm so we then again rescheduled to today, Wednesday 4th December. Hopefully all goes well and we are able to film everything smoothly and well enough to get really decent footage. We plant to hand in a final draft on Friday morning giving Daniel time to edit for the rest of the day so that he finishes enough and continues on Monday to give in the final copy on Tuesday.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Weekly Update: November 27 - December 4th

This week we have filmed the whole of Lucy's individual sequences. We did plan to also film the father's parts but unfortunately circumstances did not allow, as the actor was unavailable on the days we could film apart from Sunday but then the girl playing Lucy was not available on Sunday. On the other hand, the filming of Lucy's scenes went very well. As a team we all had some input as to how we were to re-film the scenes to achieve better shots and a range of shots as Daniel came to it with editors viewpoint, Sunraj a directors viewpoint as the whole film is his vision and I with the viewpoint of a camera person. We have now completed all of Lucy's individual scenes and would not have to re-film any of it. Daniel has been putting the new footage together after logging and capturing everything and he says it is going well.

Therefore this coming up weekend we plan to finish filming our whole film by shooting the father's scenes.