Friday, June 28, 2013

Actor Release Form

This is the template for our "Actor Release" forms. The form is a legally binding contract between the talent and our company that states that we are able to use any gained footage of the talent we have within our film whether they like it or not. This document is basically an aid to cover our backs from any lawsuits and putting us in the all clear.

Film Casting - Sunraj Bolina

Meeting Minutes 7 (Sunraj Bolina)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Representation - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster

Treatment - Daniel Da'Costa Brewster


Weekly Update: Wednesday 19th June - Wednesday 26th June 2013

From the week starting 19th June 2013 till today, Wednesday 26th June 2013 as a group we have caried out our individual assignments stated below:

  • Treatment
  • Planning Brief
  • Audience Socio-Economic Research
  • BBFC write up
  • Synopisis 
  • Narrative Theory Research, and
  • Representations; to which we are to incorporate within our film
We have also been discussing the practicals of our film such as location and actors. We have realised that due to the nature of our film's narrative that it may be hard to find actors that fit the roles and feel comfortable to carry them out. However we are sure we will find our actors soon as well as our location. For our location we have a decided that'll we'll like a house for the house scene so we are now on the hunt for a house.

Uses and Gratification Theory - Sunraj Bolina

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Weekly Update: Wednesday 12th June - Wednesday 19th June

This week was our first week as a team/group. We were briefed about what our assignment was and that we had a choice between making a "5 Minute Short Film" or a "Documentary". As a group we all decided that we wanted to take the opportunity to create a 5 minute short. Once we were made our decision we started straight away and set ourselves 3 goals to complete by Friday 14th 2013, these goals were to:

  • Firstly; produce a "Brainstorm": that included ideas for our group's name, our films basis and set up (e.g locations, influence of idea), target audience and crew roles.
  • Secondly; creating a "Production Schedule", that enlisted all  task that we are to complete and who shall complete them, when by and roughly how long it should take them to do it.
  • And also thirdly, to set up our individual blogs and a group blog.
Gladly, we completed these goals by the set date allowing us to be able to start on the rest of our paperwork that we have all been allocated through the "Production Schedule". 

Moving along, during this week we have also been doing some research into our production and looking for ideas that could give us some inspiration towards our idea. Looking at film shorts on  You-Tube and scouring for more shorts through the web, really enlightened us about what we could achieve through our 5 minute short. However, after researching we had developed around 7 short ideas, which caused us to be indecisive with which idea we were actually going to go through with and produce, explaining our 4 brainstorms as we were able to cut the ideas down to 4.

We presented our top 3 to our fellow peers and teacher to gather their opinions on which idea we should go ahead and create. This was very helpful as we finally decided on an idea which is being written up in a script by Sunraj  for Friday 21st June. Today we plan to meet to discuss and go through the script as a team seeing what we may add and things we may change, this will although will still be towards the first draft as we plan to present it to our teacher in search of some constructive criticism in which would help us improve our script and idea in preparation for making our 2nd draft.

Furthermore, we had another task to complete which was set by our teacher which was the group task as shown on the blog.

Meeting Minutes 5 (Sunraj Bolina)

Genre Research - Drama (Sunraj Bolina)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Assignment Breif

A short film in its entirety, lasting approximately five minutes, which may be live action or animated or a combination of both, together with two of the following three options:
·      A poster
·      A radio trailer for film;
·      A film magazine review page featuring the film

Meeting Minutes 1 (Sunraj Bolina)