Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Weekly Update: 23rd October - 30th October

As this week was half term we as a team have planned to begin filming out house scene. We're still on the search for a female actress to play the daughter so hopefully we'll have found one by today ready to film for Friday. We have also decided to start taking pictures for our posters during Friday's shoot.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday 16th October - Wednesday 23rd October

This week we've re-filmed the classroom scene.On a whole, filming went well and we did give ourselves a lot of time to think things through in order to come up with creative shot ideas as well as the actual framing and composition of the scene. After filming we did then log and capture the footage and Daniel has started working on it.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday 9th October - Wednesday 16th October

This week we've just been working upon our ancillary task whilst we wait to film next week.

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Weekly Update: 2nd - 9th October

This was a very productive week as we filmed our classroom scene of the father. It was a much simpler scene to shoot as we were using actors. Michael, whom is playing the father, was really easy to work with which made the process run smoothly. Although we did plan to film a lot more than we actually did, we were able to have a walk through of what we are going to film within the classroom so next time we film the rest of the classroom scene we could finish it quickly and move on to the next scene. Another note is that we had to move our filming date from Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th October due to illness.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Weekly Update: 25th September - 2nd October

Today we started filming our opening scene. It wasn't as easy as we'd though it would be as we were filming in a very uncontrolled environment. From filming today we have decided that it would be a good idea to re-film this scene later on after a longer and more in depth discussion as to how we are to capture a busy end of school scene without people reacting and responding to the presence of a camera. Although it wasn't a great start we were able to film other scenes that are to used within our montage opening sequence.
Once finishing filming we logged and captured our raw footage and then Daniel started on the editing.

Preparing For A Film Shoot - Sunraj Bolina